Software I use, tools I build with, and other things I recommend.

I get asked a lot about the things I use to build software, frameworks I use and even preferred IDEs. Here’s a big list of all of my favorite stuff.

Web Technologies

  • Next JS

    My GO-TO web framework every time I'm building anything web. Next JS is a React framework that comes bundled with best-in-class features like fast refresh support, client-side routing with optimized prefetching and page-based routing system. With the new Next 13 release, the web even got more exciting and faster to build.

  • Tailwind CSS

    Styling my websites has never been this exciting and rapid. With this CSS styling framework, I am able to build modern websites with inline styling where I never leave my components or reference styles from another file.

Mobile App Development

  • Flutter

    Tired of building two different codebases to port to Android and iOS platforms? I use this open source framework from Google to build, test and deploy multi-platform,modern and beautiful applications from a single codebase. I don't use this for web though.😏

  • Android (Java)

    I never want to lose the nativity of Android. This was my first language I learnt. There's that originality when building apps on Android Studio with Java.

Microservices | API

  • Spring Boot

    This has awesome REST features that build robust, secure and rapid API services.

  • Next JS

    Yes. Even though it is a client-side framework, it has an API service capability. I only use this only if a project is not so much backend intensive.


  • MySQL

    Building systems that have objects that relate to each other mostly needs this kind of database.

  • AWS Dynamo DB

    Fast and scalable relational database from Amazon.

  • Mongo DB

    I use this to keep the JSON-like feel and the compatibility with Javascript frameworks.

The cloud

  • Kubernetes and Docker

    Building is one thing. Deploying is another thing. Ensuring that your application is up and running near 100% is not as easy without these cloud tools.

  • Google Cloud

    Though pricy🤑, firebase, cloud messaging, cloud storage and cloud functions are some of the cool products from this platform that I use in some of my projects. Not forgetting Google maps🗺️.

  • Amazon web services (aws)

    Spinning my jar files has never been this easy with Elastic Beanstalk from Amazon. Cool features like cloud formation and EC2 instances are what excites my cloud world.

  • Appwrite

    This is an open source project that one can install on a private server. It's a firebase clone. Getting all those features for free? Yes. No.😂 You just pay for your VPS.

Version Control

  • Github

    If this ever goes down🤣, I'll resort to farming🚜. It has all my projects. Even this website.

  • Bitbucket

    Not much of a fun though.


  • Visual Studio Code

    Anything web, I code with VS Code.

  • Intellij

    Very solid with Java.

  • Android Studio

    Flutter and Native Android

  • Datagrip

    Managing all my databases